Invoicing through Doccle.

Kava, the Royal Pharmacists' Association of Antwerp, is a professional association that helps hundreds of pharmacists to optimise their administrative services. Optimizing administrative services such as, for example,  the invoicing process.

Via IxorDocs, invoices are made available in Doccle. In Doccle, these invoices can be paid quickly and easily.

Digital archive.

About 1 million Belgians use the Doccle digital archive.

Doccle's user-friendly web portal and handy mobile apps for both iOS and Android ensure that every Belgian can consult his or her documents in his or her personal digital archive, safely and easily.

Kava uses this digital archive to make invoices available to its customers. In addition, the integration with the Maestro and Bancontact means that invoices can also be paid securely at the same time.


IxorDocs offers SMEs the possibility of quickly sending documents to Doccle's digital archive via APIs. No lengthy processing times and without manual intervention, IxorDocs delivers the documents to the correct archive box.

With minimal additional development, Kava can use IxorDocs' existing APIs to quickly and correctly post documents to the digital archive.

Kava was one of the first customers of IxorDocs, and Kava is still an intensive user and big fan of the platform.

Kava is also a great proof that Doccle is a safe and efficient B2B invoicing solution.

Share invoices easily

Do you have invoices that you want to share easily with customers, suppliers or partners?

Want to know more about how IxorDocs can help you? Contact us to find out more.

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